此方はCladle of Night終了後より開始となるAdventure Path”ルーンロード達の帰還(Return of the Runelords)”Lv1-20 についてのスレッドとなります。
・ルーンロード達の帰還/Return of the Runelords - Introduction - 全能たるルーンロード、古代ヴァリシアを統治した限りなく神に近いウィザード達は その恐るべき生命を再び呼び起こし、喪われた帝国を再燃させるべく辺境にて策略を巡らせる。 数年前に行われた古典的キャンペーンであるRise of the Runelordsでは、時の深淵よりの復活劇 として恐るべき彼らのうちの1人だけを冒険譚として扱いましたが、 狡猾な彼の同盟者達が帰還を果たした今、彼らの神々しいまでの意志は征服のみを考えている!
Shadowy Remnants (Su) Zutha’s fragment does not have the standard lich ability of rejuvenation. When destroyed, Zutha and his shadow gear collapse into a pile of decay and ruin that, over the course of several minutes, wafts away into shadows before fading entirely from the physical world. During that time, though, any living creatures within 300 feet of the runelord feel raw necromantic power metaphysically caressing their souls. All creatures in this area of effect gain a +2 bonus on saving throws against attacks from undead creatures. This bonus persists until the creature is slain by a death effect -- when this occurs, the +2 bonus is expended and the death effect that would have otherwise slain the creature is negated. A creature that becomes enhanced by these shadowy remnants instinctively understands the benefit and knows how t his protection functions. Note that if the fragment’s existence ends as a result of the expiration of the runewaking ritual’s 1-minute duration, he and his shadow gear disappear but nearby creatures do not gain the necromantic power.
3.雲の中の教団 ”孔雀の超越”儀式を使い”孔雀の精霊の大神殿”へと転移した君達はアーチのある静かな広間に到着した。アーチには「孔雀の精霊 の信徒ならば歓迎する(Disciples of the Peacock Spirit Welcome)」とあり、早速罠が仕掛けられていた。アーチをくぐった先にはメデューサの射手達が 暇を持て余して彫刻に励んでいた。君達は彼女達を言いくるめこの建物から出た。途中鈴雨が今迄のものとは違う奇妙な既視感を 覚えることがあったが、理由は不明だった。
Return of the Runelords #14『Temple of the Peacock Spirit V - PRIDE’S HEART 2 /VAULT OF CRIMSON LONGING, REFUGE OF VIOLET VANITY』 傲慢のルーンロードであるザンダーグルとの決着が迫る
クリスティランに入るのは難しいかも知れないが、私が開発したクリスティランの儀式用の鍵があれば、インカリアックスの「凍りついた涙(Frozen Tears)」の 領域にある「白き死の髪飾り(White Death’s Diadem)」の中で儀式を行うことで、影の世界の裏口を開くことが出来る。そしてもちろん、カルズーグが最後の鍵を 握っているかもしれない。サイファーゲートは単なる窓ではないはずだ。しかし、カルズーグに話しかけて彼の秘密を知るというのは気が引けるのだ。 他に協力を得る方法があるのではないだろうか。 ------------------------------------------ Death was as painful as I’d always feared it would be. What stings the most isn’t that Alaznist tampered with the wards that should have woken me millennia ago or that most of my holdings are now lost to me -- it’s that she must have used my own research to locate the Scepter of Ages and used it against me. She MUST have used my own research on the topic. There is no way she could have found it on her own!
And now, Alaznist has changed something in the past... I think. I can’t prove it. Has she used the Scepter of Ages to manipulate the past, to change the course of historical events? My memories would have changed, and the historical texts would have been altered to fit the new timeline.
She doubtless kept her manipulations subtle, to avoid true paradoxes, but I feel that something is different. It is like trying to remember a dream that begins to fade immediately upon waking.
Xin-Edasseril may hold the solution. Belimarius fell for Karzoug’s trickery and became trapped therein not long before the cataclysm. My cultists inform me that her city’s core remains the same today as it did on the eve of the end of my world, trapped completely “outside” of time itself in a dome of force known as “Crystilan.” If Alaznist changed any events prior to the city befalling its fate, true accounts of those events would still reside within Crystilan’s walls. Once I have that information, I could compare those documents with others from this world that were not so protected and potentially narrow down those specific points in time where Alaznist meddled. If I could then but secure a method of traveling time, I could return to these points and, if not ambush Alaznist and regain my stolen power, at the very least learn how to warn myself of her treachery before she killed me.
Entering Crystilan may be problematic, but with the ritual key to Crystilan I’ve developed, I can open a back door of sorts through the Shadow Plane by performing the ritual within White Death’s Diadem inside Inkariax’s realm of Frozen Tears. And of course, Karzoug may yet hold the final key. The Cyphergate has to be more than a window. I may not need the Scepter of Ages to travel backward after all, but the idea of speaking to Karzoug to learn his secrets offends me. Perhaps there is another way to secure his cooperation.
ライバルズ・ウィールド/Rival's Weald School transmutation (polymorph); Level druid 9, shaman 9, witch 9 Casting 発動時間:1 standard action 構成要素:V, S, M (硬化した樹液) 距離:近距離 (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) 目標: one creature/two levels, no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart 持続時間:永続 セーヴィング・スロー 頑健・無効、 意志 不完全 (see text); 呪文抵抗:可
Once per day, the bearer of the Fluttered Wing can quietly and soothingly converse with a creature that is at least indifferent toward it. While the bearer does so, she gains a +10 bonus on Bluff and Diplomacy checks against that target. At any point during the conversation, she can cast suggestion on the target. When she does so, she can attempt a Bluff check to hide the act of casting the spell as mere words, gaining a +10 bonus on this check; an observer realizes she’s casting suggestion only if the result of his own Sense Motive check exceeds the result of this Bluff check.
A character who carries the Fluttered Wing is not affected by effects that detect or reveal falsehoods unless those effects come from 8th- or 9th-level spells.
DESTRUCTION If the Fluttered Wing is bathed in the blood of an innocent while lies about that innocent are chanted aloud for 30 minutes, it crumbles into ash.
2.”宇宙霊魂の歌”Song's of Anima Mundi ”緑の草原”のあらゆる場所は囁くような澄んだ声の悲歌で満ちており、しかしいかなる言語でもなく理解すら出来ない。 これは宇宙霊魂が多元宇宙の循環の秘密を語るものであり、意識の焦点が合わさった者に問答無用でその知識を植え付け癌のように増殖展開させる。 ニャル、リディア、レーナ: 【知力】ベースの技能判定に+1のボーナスを得る。