Driven by Guilt: As you regain your memories, you relive all of the terrible things that you did, which you would not do now, given the choice. This sensation can be demoralizing, but the clarity it brings and your most recent actions fighting against cosmic evils center you in your current goal of helping others -- and the world.
Once per day as a standard action, you can grant your allies a +1 trait bonus for 1 minute on saving throws against spells or spell-like abilities cast by evil creatures.
Enduring Stoicism: As you regain your memories, you are strangely unaffected by the deluge of past experiences while in service to Count Lowls. You recognize that your earlier actions were shameful, but there’s nothing that you can do about that now -- it’s best to continue your fight against the unspeakable forces that plague you and your companions.
You become immune to the shaken condition, but can still be frightened or panicked. If you are using the new fear system in Pathfinder RPG Horror Adventures, you are also immune to the spooked condition.
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〔整然とした精神〕/Methodical Mind 君は記憶を取り戻したことにより、君は未知のまま残された情報を読むか暴き立てなければならないことを理解した。 ブライアストーン精神病院で目を覚ましてから経験した様々について、君は閉ざされた記憶の中でそれら宇宙的悪について より多くを既に知っており、また君のそれらに対する整然とした解析は将来の苦難において君を助けるだろう。
Methodical Mind: As you regain your memories, you now realize that you’ve read or been exposed to information best left unknown. Your most recent experiences since waking in Briarstone Asylum seem more familiar, as if you might have already known about some of these cosmic evils from your occluded memories, and your methodical approach to them will help you in future struggles.
Once per day, you can roll twice whenever you attempt a saving throw against a mind-affecting effect, keeping the better result.
Pugnacious: As you regain your memories, you feel strong anger for those who wronged you during the period you couldn’t previously remember. You can’t get the image of Count Lowls’s face out of your head and it makes you shudder with rage while you plan your revenge. Once per day, you gain a +1 trait bonus on either attack rolls or weapon damage rolls for a single combat.
〔敏感な精神〕/Sensitive Mind 自分の記憶を取り戻したことで、君は自分の鋭い認識が過去に良心的でない行いをする時でさえ自身を助けていたことを思い出した。 この新たに発見された明晰さは現在進行中の戦いに於いてさえ君を助けるだろう。
Sensitive Mind: As you regain your memories, you recall times when your keen awareness has helped you in the recent past, even when performing unscrupulous acts. This newfound clarity aids you in your ongoing fight.
Once per day, you can roll twice whenever you attempt an Appraise, Perception, or Sense Motive check and keep the better result.
◆Armor Specialization 出典:Armor Master's Handbook pg. 14 The fighter selects one specific type of armor with which he is proficient, such as chain shirts or scale mail. While wearing the selected type of armor, the fighter adds one-quarter of his fighter level to the armor’s armor bonus, up to a maximum bonus of +3 for light armor, +4 for medium armor, or +5 for heavy armor. This increase to the armor bonus doesn’t increase the benefit that the fighter gains from feats, class abilities, or other effects that are determined by his armor’s base armor bonus, including other advanced armor training options. A fighter can choose this option multiple times. Each time he chooses it, he applies its benefit to a different type of armor.
>呪文 ドリーム・ランドへの小旅行/DREAMLANDS EXCURSION School conjuration (creation); Level 5 Casting Time 50 minutes Components V, S, F (a miniature staircase made of polished horn and ivory worth 25, 000 gp), SC(儀式参加者) (at least 2 and up to 8) Skill Checks Knowledge (arcana) DC 25, 2 successes; Knowledge (planes) DC 25, 3 successes Range touch Duration instantaneous; see text Saving Throw none; SR no Backlash All casters take 2d6 points of damage. Failure An animate dream (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2 29) appears at the site of the ritual and attacks the casters. At the GM's discretion, the animate dream may have the advanced template, be accompanied by other animate dreams, or both.
●秘術図書館 秘術図書館(The Mysterium)は、かつてハカール・ミナイル(Hakkar Minair)の名で知られ、カーシール創立より 数十年内に建設されたカディーラの中でも最も古く難解な図書館として知られている。 現在はヴェニカーン医療大学(Venicaan College of Medicaments and Chirurgery)の学区敷地内の片隅にあり、四方に 奇妙な天使型の彫像を抱く砂岩のピラミッドがそれである。図書館は現在ネサス神殿の管理下にあり、それ自身も様々な 宗教儀式の為の神殿として扱われ同時に研究や教育の場となっていたが、もう1つ別の顔を持っていた。それは内海地域に 存在する特別危険な禁書を封印する為の安全な保管庫であり、その中にはあの悪名高い”死者の書”(Necronomicon)も含まれていた。