●秘術図書館 秘術図書館(The Mysterium)は、かつてハカール・ミナイル(Hakkar Minair)の名で知られ、カーシール創立より 数十年内に建設されたカディーラの中でも最も古く難解な図書館として知られている。 現在はヴェニカーン医療大学(Venicaan College of Medicaments and Chirurgery)の学区敷地内の片隅にあり、四方に 奇妙な天使型の彫像を抱く砂岩のピラミッドがそれである。図書館は現在ネサス神殿の管理下にあり、それ自身も様々な 宗教儀式の為の神殿として扱われ同時に研究や教育の場となっていたが、もう1つ別の顔を持っていた。それは内海地域に 存在する特別危険な禁書を封印する為の安全な保管庫であり、その中にはあの悪名高い”死者の書”(Necronomicon)も含まれていた。
Encouraging Spell (Metamagic) Source Magic Tactics Toolbox Your inspiration provides your allies with greater support.
Prerequisites: Cha 13, Diplomacy 6 ranks.
Benefit: Any morale bonus granted by an encouraging spell is increased by 1. An encouraging spell uses up a spell slot 1 level higher than the spell's actual level.
Regenerative Sinew (Su) (Healer's Handbook pg. 17) The witch can cause the debilitating wounds of a creature she touches to quickly close, helping it heal rapidly. The target either gains fast healing 5 for a number of rounds equal to 1/2 the witch’s class level or it heals up to 4 points of ability score damage from any two ability scores (witch’s choice). At 15th level, in addition to the chosen effect, the target’s severed body members, broken bones, and ruined organs grow back, as per regenerate. Once a creature has benefited from this hex, it cannot benefit from it again for 24 hours.
未訳特技の翻訳になります。 Greater Bless Equipment Source Undead Slayer's Handbook Your blessings are longer lasting, and you can bless more than one item at a time.
Prerequisites: Bless Equipment, Improved Bless Equipment, caster level 12th, channel energy class feature.
Benefit: The duration of your equipment blessings doubles. In addition, as a standard action you may bless up to two pieces of equipment within range with a single blessing, expending uses of channeled energy as if you had only blessed one item.